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Imagine for a moment that you are standing in front of a door that leads to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The rewards for all the blood, sweat, and tears you’ve put in along the way await you.

As you approach the door, people along the path turn towards you like flowers following the sunlight. Suddenly you realize, whether you know these people or not, you have touched their lives in some small yet significant way.

They are not here by accident.  They are here to acknowledge you and witness you take the next step on the path to becoming wholly, completely, and unapologetically you.

Terrified though you may be to leave the comfort of what you know behind you and walk through the door, you know they are watching.

You know your decision informs theirs. Your bravery begets theirs.

You feel your breath quicken. You hear your heart pounding wildly in your chest. Your throat is dry, your palms are sweaty, your feet are so heavy you can barely put one foot in front of the other.

If ever there was a time to conjure up your courage, it is now.

What lies behind the door is all you’ve dreamed of.

But will you walk through?

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Caught up in the agony of deciding whether stay in the comfort of what you know or step into the unknown, you barely notice me standing in the doorway.

Welcome, Wonderous One,” I say to you. “Won’t you come in?

I see the confusion in your eyes.

I hear the voice of doubt escalating in your ears.

I can feel the butterflies buzzing around your belly.

It can’t be that easy,” your posture says to me.

And yet, more than anything, some part of you wants to believe it can be.

Because you are tiredI see that.

This is not the first time you’ve risked it all for the promise of a better lifeI get that.

You have fought the good fight your whole lifeI understand.

But you also don’t want to give up on the life you still believe is possible for you.  I don’t want you to either.

So may I ask you a favor?


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Would you be willing to stop trying to do it all alone?

I know you are perfectly capable of running the show and doing it brilliantly. You have proven that.

But what if it isn’t about proving your mastery of all things at all times on your own?

What if it’s about connecting with people in a deeply meaningful way? Creating and collaborating, and birthing all kinds of new possibilities into being?

What if pleasure is as important as power?

What is vulnerability is as valuable as confidence?

What if you are here to do more than be productive and make money?  What if you can create abundance and contribute significantly by becoming more of who you are?

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You see, I’ve spent a lifetime practicing what I call Everyday Alchemy – turning the ordinary into the extraordinary – and I’d like to invite you to join me in this practice.

Be warned…. this is a “practice”, not a “perfect” and it will require your whole self.

What I mean is this is an adventure for the brave and bold who sometimes bumble and blunder. This is a journey for the confidently courageous who sometimes feel like cowards.  This is an expedition for the valiant victors who sometimes feel very vulnerable.

This is for you, if you are ready to be seen, supported, and held accountable to an incredible group of others.

So what exactly is this all about anyway?

It’s an invitation to join a global group of extraordinary individuals from who are willing to acknowledge and act on the longing of their souls to live in the most authentic way possible for them.

 How does it work?

We open the Practicing Everyday Alchemy mastermind group a couple of times a year to new members committed to transforming an ordinary life into an extraordinary one.

However, there are many ways to begin Practicing Everyday Alchemy right now that are free and easy to implement.  The first is to grab your free Weekly Recap that allows you to become aware of how you are spending your time right now.

Just fill out the form below and I’ll send you the template.

This form adds you to our Practicing Everyday Alchemy mailing list where you’ll receive information and insights exclusive to Everyday Alchemists and be one of the first to know when we open our next mastermind group opens up.

“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold: they change the world into words.” – William H. Gass, A Temple of Texts

My hope is that you’ll take me up on my invitation to an extraordinary life. Your first step starts here.