Write It Down, Make It Happen

Business cartoon about to do list.
“Please don’t ask me to remind you to do anything else for awhile.”

It’s Day 1 of the Get Stuff Done 1×31 Challenge!

Today’s challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to take 5-15 minutes and make a list of what you’d like to get done in the next 30 days. Whether it is realistic or not, write it down.

Now I am not asking you to do anything on your list today. I’m just asking you to make a list. A wouldn’t-it-be-nice if … list.

The list will be your blueprint for the next month. It will give you clues as to what’s clamoring for your attention, what matters to you, what you feel obligated to, and what just might make you feel good.

These are the things that randomly roam around your consciousness and have the potential to terrorize you just when you’re about to relax and feel good about what you’ve already accomplished.

Don’t censor yourself as you make your list. Let anything and everything make an appearance on your list. It’s for your eyes only, so be generous with your desires.

Don’t worry about the details of how you can make whatever you write down happen. Just write it down.

Okay, have fun! And let me know if you have questions or, better yet, breakthroughs!

Get Stuff Done 1 x 31


3D render of astronaut

It’s that time of year again!

July is our Get Stuff Done 1 x 31 Challenge month.

What is the Get Stuff Done 1×31 Challenge?” you ask.

It’s a way to slowly but surely knock out those little tasks that gnaw away at your peace of mind. It’s committing to daily micro-movements that move the action of your life along at regular clip, without getting stuck in the doldrums.

“What do I have to do?” you wonder.

I’ll post a prompt here each day. You just have to read it.  And act on it.

“Why would I do this?” you protest. “I’m already overwhelmed!”

Well, you don’t have to do it. But it’s fun. It’s free. It’s different. It only takes 5-15 minutes of your day. You’ve got support along with some built in accountability. And it feels really satisfying to get even the smallest stuff done.

Here are 7 Rules to Success for this challenge:

  1. The activity will only take between 5 -15 minutes… because who doesn’t have at least 5 minutes? (If you’re into it, feel free to spend more time.)
  2. You have to actually do it, not just think about doing it.
  3. Approach each day’s challenge with an open mind. (“Been there, done that” attitude does not lend itself to openness. Avail yourself to new twists on familiar themes.)
  4. Be present to the task at hand. Save multi-tasking for the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day.
  5. Have fun with it. Judging, criticizing, or censoring yourself – or me! – takes all the fun out of it.
  6. Post your responses, reactions, or results in the day’s comments. It’s more fun  when everyone contributes!
  7. Enlist a friend or two or twenty to join you. This will definitely boost your accountability and your popularity as leader of the pack.

The truth is you don’t get stuff done at all once. Overnight success is often years in the making. Your life moves forward decision by decision, action by action, thought by thought.

For the next 31 days, let’s move the needle on our mojo measuring devices so that by August 1, collectively we can feel as accomplished as all get out.