Show Me the Money!


April can be a very taxing time of year in the US.

Whether you pay taxes quarterly or yearly, get money back or have to pay money in, there is a general reckoning that always leaves me feeling, well, taxed.

I know it doesn’t have to be that way.

Yet once the dreadful day has come and gone, taking a good chunk of change with it, I forget how urgent and uncomfortable it is to account for it all.

This year I decided to take matters into my own hands.  And since writing is what I generally do with my hands, I’m writing my way to a new, empowering money story.

I invite you to do the same.

Last month I participated in an online Millionaire Mindset Challenge that was nothing short of miraculous.  The energy of the creative community was contagious, the possibilities endless, and the miracles multiplied by our collective witnessing of them.

So many of my friends asked me about it that I decided to create my own version of it called Pennies From Heaven.

I’m changing up the rules a bit to give you a little more time to ponder your potential and adding a few Angel Investors to guide you to your most magnificent manifestations.

Because your mind can’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s vividly imagined, you’re going to conjure up the most creative scenarios you can for experiencing the kind of wealth and abundance you’ve only dreamed about thus far.

Whether you like it or not, you  are experiencing the precise level of abundance you can comfortably handle at the moment.  What???  Can that be true?

Let me just speculate and suggest you may have a few money hang-ups that are getting in the way of experiencing the kind of wealth and abundance you desire.

Whether these be unspoken vows, limiting beliefs, or a general distrust that the Universe is conspiring on your behalf, it might be worth looking at your money story and see if you can allow yourself to play your way to prosperity.

“Who’s got time for fun and games?” you ask.

Well, I hope you do!  I, for one, could definitely use a little more levity in my life.

After suffering in silence and solitude for decades, I’ve discovered the key to my success is surrounding myself with wise and witty friends who are curious, open to new experiences, and can see things from a different perspective than I can.  If I’m going to tackle a touch topic like money, I’d prefer to do it with my tribe.

Consider this your invitation to hop on board the Pennies From Heaven money miracle manifestation train. Even if no actual money shows up during the game, the insights you gain into your money story will set the stage for future windfalls.

Look at it this way.  If you were expecting a baby, pursuing a degree, directing a movie, or taking a vacation, you’d prepare for it, right? You’d plan for a nursery, register for classes, hire some actors, or make travel arrangements.

The same applies to increasing your income. You may say you want more money, but if you can’t manage what you have now, how will you successfully manage more?

Pennies From Heaven is your practice field.

If you’d like to play along, just write “Show Me the Money!” in the comments below. The game will be played through our Pennies From Heaven Facebook group, so if you’re on Facebook, just ask to join the group and I’ll add you.

If you’ve already mastered money and want to look at relationships, health, or any other area of your life, the same rules of the game apply.  I’d love for you to join me and play your way to whatever you most desire.