Will You Be Part of The Dream Team?

Margaret Mead quote

What if you could put together a Dream Team and surround yourself with people who *get* you? People who innately understand who you are, what you want to create in the world, and know how to make it happen?

I used to think this was a pipe dream for me.  I felt I was too quirky or creative or woo-woo or whatever for most people, so I tried to keep it all under wraps.

Until I realized all of that “weirdness” was really what people wanted to see, hear, feel, and experience with me.  The boldness of being myself gave other people permission to do the same.

In a world full of carbon copies, there is nothing more daring that being an original. And nothing more liberating.

I have spent a lifetime purchasing personal growth programs to improve my performance in just about every area of my life. And though I am forever grateful to the gurus who have shown me their way, none of them could really show me my way. 

That was up to me to figure out.

And for most of my life, I thought I had to figure it out alone.

But last year I decided to combine forces with others on the same path.  I joined a couple of coaching groups, became a  Rockstar and a Wildflower, and that changed everything.

I did more in a year than I had in a decade.  Not because I didn’t know how to do these things, I just didn’t have a Dream Team in place to help me get these ideas out of my head and into the world.

Now that I do, I want to help you create the same. Because if you could do it alone, you would have already.

I know you are brilliant.  You are funny and creative and have a dream inside you that you have kept hidden from everyone because you can’t bear to see it fail.

But what if you couldn’t fail?

Or what if you could fail but had a team of incredibly supportive people in place to help you rebuild or dream a better dream?

What if these people has eyes, ears, and expertise in areas you didn’t and would gladly share their perspectives with you?

What would that be worth to you?

After sharing The 12 Days of Coaching last month, I had an epiphany.

More than information, what people are really craving is community.

Since you are part of my community, I want to share an opportunity that only comes along once in a blue moon (literally…the opportunity ends with the blue moon on  Wednesday, January 31) to Practice Everyday Alchemy with me and some of the best and brightest people I know.

This mastermind group will meet monthly for 6 months.  We will mindfully master the challenges that wake us up at all hours of the morning. And we’ll learn to thrive with a little help from our fellow Everyday Alchemists.

If this sounds intriguing to you and you would like to learn how to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary,  please click here to check out the details at www.practicingeverydayalchemy.com.

But don’t wait too long.  The first Mastery call is next Sunday, February 4th and I’d love for you to be on it.

If you’d like to talk with me in person about this and see if this is for you, just fill out the contact form below so I can connect with you. 

If you have been or are a part of a Dream Team now, I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.




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